Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions
Digitizing after-sales


Information Architecture, Prototyping + User Journeys, Digital Design / UI + UX, Front-end Development

Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions is the international market leader in the field of recycling machines. With custom machines located at customers all over the world, solid after-sales and technical support is crucial. To make ordering spare parts easy, Basix developed a cross-device customer webshop.


Together with the sales team and the technical support department, we made a distinction between necessary functionalities and future wishes. This is how we came up with a viable approach for the first phase of the webshop, or MVP. Users can quickly find the right products thanks to a personalized product range based on customer-specific machines and order history. Thanks to the cross-device experience, a customer can take over his order on another device and continue the order from, for example, the shop floor and immediately complete it.

We have ensured easy navigation through complex product layers, partly through interactive 3D animations of customer-specific machines. These show a personalized product range based on customer-specific machines and order history.

‘Fast and high-quality delivery. They think along and keep their word. A very pleasant, creative and inspiring collaboration!’


Anna Sergeeva - Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions

Want to know more about this project? Give us a call.
0031 06 2855 4779

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